Use of Social Security Administration (SSA) as a Source of Information 448-01-50-15-30
(Revised 3/1/12 ML #3304)
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The following are sources of information from SSA:
- The State Data Exchange (SDX) System – This is an on-line inquiry of persons in North Dakota who have had any involvement with the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program (Title XVI). This system can be used to verify SSI income.
NOTE: This is accessed through function 17 on the INME menu in TECS.
- The Beneficiary Data Exchange (BENDEX) System – This is an interface with SSA that is used to generate alerts in the TECS and Vision system. This interface is only used to generate alerts and cannot be used to verify SSA income.
- The Third Party Query Procedure (TPQY) – This is an on-line method of requesting verification of Title II (SSA) and Title XVI (SSI) for applicants and recipients. This system can be used to verify SSA, SSI and Medicare benefits, and US citizenship.
NOTE: This is accessed through function 28 on the INME menu in TECS.
- Numident – This is an interface with SSA that is used to verify if client information in TECS and Vision matches with SSA's information for social security number, date of birth, gender, and name.